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Cell and Other Electronic Communication Devices


School Policy


Cell Phones and Other Electronic Communication Devices

The use of cell phones or other electronic devices are not allowed on the Plymouth High School campus during in-session hours and are to be housed in their assigned cell phone locker. Students are to put their phones in their lockers before the final bell signaling classes are beginning.  Students may access their cell phones during lunch, but not between classroom transitions. Phones are to be back in their lockers before the final bell signaling afternoon classes are beginning.  Students may retrieve their phones from their locker after they have been dismissed from class for the day. 

The office telephone is available for student emergency outgoing calls and to student messaging for incoming calls.  

Arrangements for transportation, money, and meals need to be made prior to coming to school, so these calls do not tie up the office telephone.

Consequences for violating policy:

1st Offense

2nd Offense

3rd Offense

*Confiscation of the phone by staff to be returned at the end of the day.


*Phone is taken to the office and locked in the fire-proof file cabinet.

*Confiscation of the phone by staff to be returned to a parent/ guardian, at their convenience.


*The student will also complete a Problem Solve with a staff member.

*Confiscation of the phone by staff.

*Referral with suspension.

*Return of phone to the parent at a conference to discuss solutions for disrupting behavior.

*Continued disregard for the policy may result in enough out of school suspensions to jeopardize successful class progress. 

The administration may escalate or de-escalate the sequence of consequences depending on the circumstances of the offense.

* This includes any school activity on or off-campus.